Member-only story
Texans, It’s Time To Get Mad-
Because this energy crisis is a bunch of bull.
To be honest, it’s getting harder and harder to be a Texan that’s actually proud of her home state. Or at least as it stands today.
We native Texans are brought up on a steady diet with the belief that our state is the best in the nation, our heritage richer than others, our BBQ the most delicious, and that our (at times) over-inflated sense of pride is God’s given gift to Texankind.
The evidence as of late is quite the contrary, though. You don’t have to look further than the ongoing energy crisis and power outages that’s been affecting millions for the better half of 2021.
When the now-infamous winter storm hit earlier this year, and the power grid failed most of the state, I was a little understanding of how an unprecedented freak weather system could cause such mayhem and leave an estimated seven hundred of our own dead. After all, the infrastructure was not built to withhold such unprecedented freezing temps.
But now that it's happening again in very typical and precedented 100 degree+ weather, well, I’m just plain pissed.
What with ERCOT asking the good people of Texas to do their part in protecting the grid by using less energy (don’t use your washing machines, dishwashers, ovens…